Disclaimer | Fiverrlytics

All the data and information are given on this website -- fiverrlytics.com โ€“ has been published to help our audience and for the sake of general knowledge. Fiverrlytics does not claim the validity, preciseness, and reliability of this given data. A person will himself be responsible for any action he takes based on the published information. Fiverrlytics will certainly not be responsible for any loss or/and damage related to the data provided on this website. However, we welcome all your queries and questions regarding our disclaimer and try to address all your concerns to your satisfaction.
You can visit other external websites by following the hyperlinks through our website. Although we do our best to provide our audience with only functional, convenient, and ethical website links, we cannot control the nature of the content published on those sites. This does not implicit our recommendation to all the content shared over these sites. The content and owner of any external website can be changed without the issuance of notice and before we get our hands on removing that particular link from our website.
It is hereby declared that registered trademarks belong to their respective owners. The gigs on Fiverr belong to Fiverr and are registered trademarks of Fiverr. This website has NO connection and affiliation with Fiverr International Ltd. Fiverrlytics has been designed just as an information tool for the audience.
Fiverrlytics, therefore demands personal identity information for the visitors who choose to make use of -- fiverrlytics.com โ€“What and which kind of information is required is totally dependant on the type of services a visitor chooses to use.

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